Food inequality: One part of a much larger problem


  • Jules Hathaway University of Maine



Food Inequity, Nutrition, Class, Race, Food Access


First paragraph:

In 2014, researchers ascribed the growing nutrit­ional inequality in America to two factors: the price of wholesome foods and geographic inaccessibility for families living in food deserts (Wang et al., 2014). Priyah Fielding-Singh believed that the causes had to be much more complex than that. As a doctoral student in sociology at Stanford University, she conducted an ethnographic study that involved interviewing 160 parents and children and extensively observing four families. Her findings, reported in How the Other Half Eats: The Untold Story of Food and Inequality in America, reveal the complexity of causes, as she was expecting, of growing nutritional inequality. She also addresses the need to see food inequality as one intercon­nected facet of socioeconomic inequality rather than as a standalone problem. . . .


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Author Biography

Jules Hathaway, University of Maine

Higher Education Student Service

Cover of "How the Other Half Eats"



How to Cite

Hathaway, J. (2022). Food inequality: One part of a much larger problem. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 11(4), 293–294.