Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development: Announcements <p>The <strong><em>Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development</em><em> </em>(JAFSCD),</strong> ISSN 2152-0801, is published 4 times per year by the Thomas A. Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems, a project of the Center for Transformative Action, a nonprofit 501 c3 tax-exempt organization affiliated with Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.</p> <p>JAFSCD is an <strong>open access, international, peer-reviewed</strong> <strong>journal</strong> focused on the practice and applied research interests of agriculture and food systems development professionals. JAFSCD emphasizes best practices and tools related to the planning, community economic development, and ecological protection of local and regional agriculture and food systems, and works to bridge the interests of practitioners and academics. Articles are published online as they are approved, and are gathered into quarterly issues for indexing purposes. JAFSCD is an open access, online-only journal; all readers may download, share, or print any articles as long as proper attribution is given, in accordance with the Creative Commons <a title="CC BY 4.0" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC BY 4.0</a> license.</p> en-US