Tackling food systems from a broad spectrum





Civil Society, Civil Movements, Food Systems, Book Review, Systems Thinking


First paragraph:

Through an in-depth exploration of food movement actors’ capabilities to transform decision-making from local to international levels, the authors of Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance examine the significance of their involvement, while exploring the intersection­ality of governance, social movements, and systems thinking. The premise of the text sets a tone for the need to fully understand the trajectory of food systems governance, especially since food systems movements are gaining significant momentum at the local, regional, and international levels. The editors note that “these movements seek to rein­force, build on, and scale up innovative, place-based initiatives” (p. 1). . . .


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Author Biography

Cassandra Hawkins, Mississippi Valley State University

Program Coordinator, Master of Arts in Rural Public Policy and Planning; and Assistant Professor of Rural Public Policy, Rural Public Policy and Planning, Department of Social Sciences

Cover of "Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance"



How to Cite

Hawkins, C. (2021). Tackling food systems from a broad spectrum. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 10(2), 579–581. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.102.040