Where Will Your Dollar Go?





Investing, Local Food Systems, Finances, Case Studies, Funding Sources


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To enter the world of food systems means nothing and everything. Ask a stranger on the sidewalk what they think the food system is and they may respond by talking about farmers, com­munity gardens, or perhaps the restaurants that surround them in the neighborhood. Ask a food systems researcher and they may describe a com­plex web of relationships between those who grow, eat, buy, and distribute food. Food’s interdiscipli­nary nature makes it not only difficult to under­stand as a concept but quantify as a value to our communities. As a result, traditional lending institu­tions’ criteria for risk assessment may be at odds with what new food ventures have to offer. Harvesting Opportunity: The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities aims to communicate this message and more through a collection of essays and reports compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The in-depth research and case studies about investing in local and regional food systems are broad enough to be approachable by the average foodie, but filled with enough detail to serve as assigned reading at the collegiate level, especially for courses in business, finance, and food systems. Through its chapters, the underlying theme of money and food allows the authors to convey a connection between seemingly contradictory stakeholders, such as com­munity development financial institutions (CDFIs) and small restaurant owners.


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Author Biography

Emily Reno

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Cover of "Harvesting Opportunity"



How to Cite

Reno, E. (2019). Where Will Your Dollar Go?. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(C), 179–180. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2019.08C.012